The Self-Disclosed Nature Of God

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March 30, 2022

The Self-Disclosed Nature Of God
Jonathan Stockstill
March 30th, 2022

Read Exodus 34:5-6

You can look back to two thousand years ago or you can fast forward to two years in the future, and it would be agreed upon that God remains the same. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Exodus 34:5 says, “Then the Lord came down in a cloud and stood there with him; and he called out his own name, Yahweh.” The name Yahweh means I will be what I’ve always been. In other words, God is eternal and will always be good.

Anytime the devil tries to get in your head and tries to make you feel as though God is angry with you and lie to you, remind yourself of what God says in Exodus 34:6. In this powerful verse, God self-discloses who He is. It says, “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.’”

When Moses climbed Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, Aaron helped the children of Israel build a golden calf to worship. Moses came off the mountain and broke the Ten Commandments. God commanded Moses to get away because He is about to kill the Israelites but Moses interceded with the Lord. His anger was cooled and He declared that He will forgive them. Moses returned to the top of Mt. Sinai and the Lord appeared to Him and revealed not only His glory but His name; Yahweh.


God sees and feels. Rahum, which translates to wound in Hebrew, means ‘To feel deeply’. When God looks at the brokenness in your life, nobody feels it deeper than God. He sees it and feels it way more than you do. He feels pain deeply.

Compassion happens on two levels; it’s what you see and what you feel. People without compassion are blind and they’re hard of heart. God is neither; He sees perfectly and feels deeply. He sees and feels whatever situation you are facing right now whether it be financial issues, sickness, or even relational pain. He is possibly the only person who can ever understand how you’re feeling.


God lifts and gives. Hanun, which translates to grace in Hebrew, means ‘I will do something about it’. God will find you in your weakest, worst moment and lift you out of the mud. That is grace.

Grace is an incredibly extraordinary gift given from somebody of means to somebody that doesn’t have means. When God saw you, you didn’t deserve heaven, but God in His great kindness reached out and lifted you up. The very fact that you are sitting here today is because of God’s compassion. God sees broken people, puts a robe on their shoulders, gives them a ring of authority, welcomes them, and gives them a seat at the table.

Jonathan Stockstill


God is long-suffering. Erech Apayim in Hebrew, means ‘I have a long nose’. When some people get upset, their nostril flares because of all the emotions they are experiencing. When God says He is slow to anger it means that it takes a really long time for His nostrils to flare.

If you’ve struggled with anger you would know how easy it is to react at the moment and allow your anger to overcome you. But this is not the case with God. Psalms 145:8 says, “The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”


God’s love is not contractual, it’s covenantal. Hesed in Hebrew means ‘Loyal love’. A person that takes care of a special needs child, year after year, displays hesed love. A person who takes care of an aging person or someone who is sick and cannot leave their hospital bed displayed hesed love. Hesed love is a love that cannot be shaken and that is God’s love for you.

God’s love is not contractual, it’s covenantal. When you break a contract, that’s it, it’s over, but a covenant outlines a state of eternity. God says that you can count on Him. You can put your weight on Him and He won’t move. If you’re hurting or even if you’re sick, you can lean on Him. If you’re emotionally distraught then you can lean on Him. He is faithful and true.

He is not about to give up on you, He is committed to you.


God is faithful and true. Emet in Hebrew, means ‘Truth’. It refers to something that is solid and that you can stand on. God says that you can count on Him and rely on Him. just as you can lean on a mountain and you won’t push it away. God assures you that you can lean on Him. if you’re hurting, sick, in need of anything, or emotionally distraught, lean on Him.

His commitment doesn’t just stop with you. Deuteronomy 7:9 says, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.” He loves you, your kids, and your grandkids. He is committed to generations.


How many times has God shown you grace, compassion, faithfulness, and steadfast love? How many times has He been long-suffering towards you? I’m sure if you look back on your life and even presently, you can agree that God has never changed.

If the children of Israel can be forgiven for their sins just imagine how much His unfailing love and grace is towards you. You need Him to be gracious towards you. You need Him to be compassionate toward you. You need Him to be long-suffering with you. You need Him to be filled with covenantal love toward you. You need to be able to stand on Him.

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