Daniel Kolenda
Lead Pastor

Russell Benson
Executive Pastor

Levi & Shawna Stewart
Senior Staff Pastor &
Nations Kids Director

Derek Berchie
Discipleship Pastor

Eric Gilmour
Teaching Pastor

Scott & Jacqueline Howe
Creative Pastors

Peter Kipko
Slavic Lay Pastor

Chris Klimis
Worship Director

Scott & Jaye McNamara
Evangelism Director

Harry Medrano
Spanish Lay Pastor

Eduardo Nascimento
Portuguese Lay Pastor

Jordan Pounds
Hospitality Director

Nathan & Jessica Sestok
Youth & Young Adults Pastors

Mike Stancil
Assistant Pastor

Jamie & Caroline Sumner
Oak Ridge Campus Pastors

Joe Turnbull
Outreach Director

Darrin & Eva Vaughan
Campus Pastor

Jim & Evelyn Whitley
Director of Prophetic Ministry & Women’s Ministry Director
Board of Trustees
The board of Trustees of Nations Church shall be the corporate board who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They will serve the church by assuring compliance with the Church’s management policies and procedures and by approving an annual budget and other major financial commitments of the church. They also provide counsel to the Senior Leadership team regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Trustees shall have the final authority solely over affairs pertaining to corporate matters of the church.
- Daniel Kolenda
- Russell Benson
- Peter Vandenberg
- Craig Cook
- Aaron Burke
- Jonathan Stockstill
Honorary Pastors
- John and Evette Shiver
- Daniel Kolenda Sr
- Paul Maurer
- Jeri Hill
- Chris Mikkelson
- Roy Fields