Turning Pain into Praise: How God Uses Adversity for Your Promotion

March 12, 2023

‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.’
Psalms 23:1-6

If you’re alive and breathing, you have dealt with, are dealing with, or will deal with pain. Every one of us has dealt with real pain in our lives. Some have experienced the pain of losing a loved one, rejection, abandonment, pain from a spouse, and childhood.

The enemy wants you to see everything in life through the eyes of pain and that makes life a terrifying place to live. But in the midst of the deepest, darkest pain in our lives, God wants to turn your pain into praise.


David was the anointed king who slew Goliath. He was a warrior and a musician. But through all of these things, he went through a lot of trials. When David wrote Psalms 23, he was walking through a valley called the shadow of death. Beyond the valley of death, however, is the city of peace. That peace is on the other side of your pain.

Even in that valley called the shadow of death, God turns your pain into praise. Even in that valley, David understood that God was with Him.
God turns pain into praise. He turns mourning into dancing. He takes off that sackcloth and garments that are trying to pull you down, rips them off, and clothes you with righteousness, gladness, and rejoicing.

He will turn your pain into praise if you will keep your eyes on Him.


God will redeem the pain in your life and it will become the very platform for your greatest victory. So many of you get stuck in the pit of despair and discouragement that you can’t get out of it. God promises that even in your deepest pain and stagnant moments, He will transform what the enemy intended to harm you with, using it for His own good and glory.

There is a promotion for each and every one of your lives. But between the promise and the promotion, there is a good bit of space. For the children of Israel, It was forty years between the promise and the Promised Land. Time is always a factor between the promise and the promotion. From Samuel anointing David with the horn of oil to his coronation, 15 years passed. This gap between promise and promotion saw David fleeing for his life, with Saul, aware of David’s anointing, seeking to kill him. Remember, not everyone will rejoice when they witness God’s favor upon you.

In 1 Samuel 22, David took refuge in a cave instead of a palace, hiding there for 6 to 8 months. Over 400 discontented souls joined him in the Cave of Adullam, situated near Gath where David had defeated Goliath. Often, your trials are close to your triumphs. It was here that David profoundly depended on God, transforming him from a shepherd into a king. The cave was meant to be his downfall but instead became his stepping stone to greatness. Psalm 142:7 proclaims, “Bring me out of prison, so I can thank your name. The righteous will gather around me because you treat me generously.” Those 400 individuals, still evolving, became David’s mighty men.

Your deepest pain can lead to your most significant purpose. The adversity meant to bring you down can elevate you. In moments of hurt, keeping faith allows God’s work to manifest in you. Even when overwhelmed by life’s burdens, remember God sees every fragment. He aims to transform your turmoil into a treasure, crafting your life into a divine masterpiece. You are being shaped into a marvel for His glory.


Many remain shackled by past failures and disappointments. Potential churches, businesses, and ministries lie dormant, with countless victories unclaimed, all because pain places them on pause.

Often, we allow pain to anchor us in place, frozen by its grip. The enemy uses this affliction to hinder God’s purpose. David, too, might have felt trapped in the valley, considering the safety of the cave over pursuing his destiny. However, your narrative doesn’t conclude with paralysis from pain. The King of Kings stands by you. Reject the deceitful whispers of the adversary.

After Elijah’s triumph at Mount Carmel, he was enveloped by fear due to Jezebel’s threats, driving him to the wilderness. Jezebel symbolizes the voices of fear and doubt, but remember: God remained with Elijah and He remains with you. Don’t succumb to intimidation or deception.

Your path forward is filled with promise. Just as an angel stirred Elijah from his despair, God beckons you to rise from yours. He envisions greatness for your endeavors, but you must welcome His guidance and sustenance.

Let pain transform into praise; brighter days await you.


How are you looking at things that are happening in your life? Are you believing that God can make a way in your darkest moments?

Are you allowing your pain to paralyze you? How are you responding to the trials you are facing?

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